Friday, March 20, 2009

Economic Downturn Linked to an Increase in Child Abuse

Economic Downturn Linked to Increase in Child Abuse?

March 2009: In Boston, safety advocates warn cases of Shaken Baby Syndrome are rising and pleaded with lawmakers not to cut funding for the education and prevention of this deadly form of child abuse.

Dr. Deborah Eappen, whose son, Matthew, was killed by the British au pair Louise Woodward 10 years ago, said she was concerned the current economic downturn will burden families and cause stress between parents and children, leading to domestic violence. “Preventing Shaken Baby Syndrome is the way to go,” said Eappen. “It's like an immunization against child abuse.”

Middlesex District Attorney Gerry Leone, who prosecuted the high-profile Louise Woodward train, said, “It’s a decade after Matty Eappen was killed -- shaken and slammed to death -- and we’re still here talking about shaken baby syndrome and shaken impact syndrome as being a prominent and prevalent form of child abuse.”

Apparently, cases of the brain injury known as Shaken Baby Syndrome have increased in the past few months, a spike that Massachusett's child abuse specialists say may be linked to families' depressed economic situation.

Research has shown a relationship between increased family stress and domestic abuse where the more stress a family experiences, the more vulnerable the children are to incidents of abuse.

Shaken Baby Syndrome occurs when a baby is violently shaken, causing the brain to hit against the sides of their skull, causing neurological injury that can lead to life-long mental and physical disabilities or death.

You can view Dr. Eappen and District Attorney, Gerry Leone, plead with Massachusett's lawmakers not to cut the state's $350,000 budget alloted for Shaken Child Syndrome:

Caution: If your infant is cared by an au pair, who is typically young, often
inexperienced, make certain you educate her about Shaken Baby Syndrome.

Tell her,"Never Shake the Baby!" under any circumstances. Tell her what can happen - she may not know she can cause neurological damage to the baby or even death.

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