Sunday, March 21, 2010

Au Pair Agencies Re-Invent Marketing Strategies - Good News for Consumers!

The au pair industry is making changes in the way they market their businesses and how they allow consumers to access information online. For example, we are seeing au pair agencies, like goAUPAIR, roll out innovative features, like their new Au Pair Review, that allows the consumer to view their au pair data base. Parents can view hundreds of available au pairs, waiting to match, without paying an application fee, signing a contract or completing a long, ardous host family application.

For the first time, au pair agencies are allowing unregistered parents access to information that was previously considered "confidential" and only privy to paying customers (host parents who applied and were accepted into their program).

goAUPAIR is not the only agency offering increased access to their au pairs data base - Au Pair in America and USA Au Pair both have user friendly and easy accessible pages of au pairs to view!

As the economy forces parents to spend less on childcare, au pair agencies are getting hit hard - this has forced the industry to "rethink" their marketing strategy and how they operate overall. As a result, innovative programming and marketing plans have been rolled out - allowing any parent to view their au pair data base is a major change for au pair agencies! This is good news for the consumer - you can view what kinds of young women are attracted to each agency and you get a "feel" for the quality and level of screening the agency is doing.

For example, Au Pair in America now allows any parent to view their available au pairs waiting to match (in the past, you not only had to complete a lengthy application, pay a hefty application fee, and send in multiple letters of references, but you had to pass muster during a face-to-face, hour long interview where a counselor screened you). Now, you only have to provide your name, address and email address to view hundreds of au pairs!

When viewing Au Pair in American's data base of Chinese au pairs (they are the largest recruiter from China), we noticed that the majority of Chinese au pairs are not going to be good drivers - most of them received their license in the past 6-12 months, even when the ages were over 23. This means the girls were not driving until they decided to apply to the cultural program and travel to America to become an au pair.

So, as you view the data base, you can also make an informed and intelligent summations of the quality of their recruits based on driving experience, English skills and childcare experience.

You are not going to get the entire application for each au pair - you are only receiving a "snapshot" of each girl.

However, things are quietly and dramatically changing in the au pair industry, and as a result of our struggling economy, au pair agencies have been forced to "re-invent" themselves.

Au pair agencies are sharing more information with the consumer and this is great news for any parent who is thinking of using an au pair for their childcare needs! Information is still the leading factor in the consumer's decision to purchase any goods or services.

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